Marriage Record Book I, Book B - March 1831 to March 1875

Marriages of Phillips County, Arkansas

As extracted and recorded by the Tri-County Genealogical Society

"Marriage Transcript Book I" is a copy of many of the first county marriage records and was typed by the W.P.A. Many of the original marriage record books have been lost or misplaced, and some of the earlier records have been rebound. Thus, the marriage record book referred to in the "Marriage Transcript Book" may not correspond with the actual book.

Pages 64 - 68

64John H. RIVES and Jane C. BONNER
By Loren M. Harris, M.G.
March 23, 1837
64Thomas E. LEWELLING and Margaret O. SPEER
By Loren M. Harris, M.G.
April 2, 1837
64Atlas BELL and Betsy CONWAY
By Jehial Ashley, Edler
May 14, 1837
65ELijah BRADY and Mrs. Polly GOODWIN
By Silas Pledger, J.P.
Maroh 5, 1837
65James HANKS and Ellen SWAN; Both of Big Creek Twp. (See 77)
By Bailey Kendall, J.P., Big Creek Twp.
May 11, 1837
65Kinchian OTERY and Levicy ROLLINS; At home of Thomas T. Law
by Thomas T. Law, M.G.
June 1, 1837
66Francis KINKENNON and Eliza Ann HARPER; at home of John Harper
by Thowas T. Law, M.G.
May 21, 1837
66Conrad HULTSMAN and Elizebeth WEST
By Dodson Tharp, J.P.
April 2, 1837
66Frederick HULTSMAN and Mary COFFMAN
By Dodson Tharp, J.P.
April 2, 1837
66James S. GARRETSON and Mary MUNCY
By Dodson Tharp, J.P.
June 21, 1837
67John KING and Surelda STEWART
By William C. Dugan, J.P.
July 16, 1837
67Josiah ROBINETT and Mrs. Nancy STEWART
By William C. Dugan, J.P.
July 19, 1837
67Isaac CRUSE and Mrs. Mehaley VICTORY
By William C. Dugan, J.P.
Feb. 15, 1837
67George W. BRIDGES and Mrs. Mary EDWARDS
By William C. Dugan, J.P.
March 11, 1837
67Calvin HALSEY and Mrs. Susan WEST
By Wiliam C. Dugan, J.P.
April 13, 1837
By W. F. Moore, J.P.
June 1, 1837

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