Tri-County Genealogical Society
"because the trail is here"
Phillips - Lee - Monroe Counties in Eastern Arkansas
We suggest that you explore "Resources". In this section you will also find many links to great sites for beginners. Also, just as important, you should post a query on the query board, join the email list and ask questions about your ancestors there. It has been our experience that the more places you ask the question, the better your chances of getting an answer.
If you do not see additional information, no one has sent that information to us to post.
They are "thumbnail" pictures. Click on the picture for a larger view.
You can type the information in an email to us or attach a document (.doc, .txt) to the email.
Unfortunately, if you don't see it on the site then we don't have any information about it. You can also provide any additional information here.
No, we are sorry, but we do not have access to additional records. In most cases, you will need to check with the county courthouse in order to obtain original documents. You may find contact information in "Addresses".
If it's not on the site then we probably don't have the resource. Your best bet would be to ask on the email list. There are many people subscribed and it's possible someone has that resource available. You could also write the Library.
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the TCGS Coordinator, Ms. Carrie Davison, or the Webmaster, Ms. Debra Hosey.
Please do not ask for specific research on your family here. Use the
Research Help page instead.