H. C. Strong

Called From Labor - H.C. Strong...Whereas it has pleased the supreme architect of the universe to remove from our midst Brother H. C. Strong, who departed this life October 24, 1916. Therefore, be it resolved, that in the death of Brother Strong, Brinkley Lodge No. 295 F. & A. M. has lost a faithful member, the family a devoted husband and father, the church a zealous member and the community a good and noble citizen. Resolved that we bow in humble submission to His will who doeth all things well. Resolved that our altar be draped for 30 days, and that a page be set apart in our minutes in honor of his memory. Resolved that we extend our heart-felt sympathy to the bereaved family, and that these resolutions be printed in one of our town papers, and the family be furnished with a copy of these resolutions. H. L. Brickell, C. F. Greenlee, Benj. Emmons - Committee.

Source: Brinkley Argus (Brinkley, Arkansas) 19 Jan 1917, Fri

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