Tri-County Genealogical Society
"because the trail is here"
Phillips - Lee - Monroe Counties in Eastern Arkansas
Mrs. F. E. SAPP DIES WEDNESDAY NIGHT - At her home on South Main Street after only a few days illness. Mrs. Jennie Sims-Sapp, wife of Mr. Fred E. Sapp died on Wednesday night about ten o’clock. Mrs. Sap was taken on Sunday with an attack or pain in the head. She suffered severely tho’ her condition was not thought serious as she was up and about her work until the day before her death. She grew worse and Wednesday afternoon lapsed into unconsciousness and nothing could be done to help her. Mrs. Sapp leaves a loving husband and three daughters to mourn her death, the latter being Mrs. Albert Thomas of Clarendon. Mrs. H. E. Jorgenson of Texas City, Tex., and Miss Marguerite Sapp of this city. Mrs. Sapp was a sister of Mr. W. K. Sims of this city. During the younger days, Mrs. Sapp was well known in political circles of Arkansas, having been one of the most popular lady officials of the Arkansas Legislature.
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