Tri-County Genealogical Society
"because the trail is here"
Phillips - Lee - Monroe Counties in Eastern Arkansas
Departed this life at Helena, A. T., on Sunday evening, the 28th August, about 8 o’clock, Miss Helena Phillips, daughter of the late Sylvanus Phillips, deceased, aged about 15 years. Her illness was lengthy, and the latter part was unusually distressing, yet she did not complain. Long and patiently did she wait the approach of death, and when she was convinced he was at hand, a new light beamed from her eyes, and a smile in inward peace and satisfaction sat upon her countenance. She gave to each of her relations and friends the parting hand of her last farewell, exhorting them to meet her in the prescence of the Great Redeemer, there to enjoy his smiles eternally, and commended her spriit to the protection of her God. The death of this young lady is a heart-rendering bereavement to the only parent left to weep (her mother), besides her other relations and friends. Oh, what a glorious moment is death to the believer! How full of the brightness of a dawning heaven – how hallowed with the presence of the blessed Redeemer!
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