Captain David Miller

Steamboat Captain Dies of Cholera at Mouth of White River. The melancholy duty develops upon us of announcing the death of Capt. David Miller, late commander of the Steamboat Reindeer, who departed this life, at the mouth of White River on the 27th ult. , after an illness of only four hours of cholera, aged 37 years. Captain Miller was a native of Buffalo, New York and emigrated to Arkansas in the winter 1819-20, and during a great portion of time since, has been engaged in the storage and shipping business at the place where he closed his earthly career. For the last three years he has commanded the Reindeer and acquired the character of being one of the most skillful, prudent and careful commanders on the Western waters.

Source: The Helena World (Helena, Arkansas) 3 Jul 1833, Wed

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