Col. Eli J. Lewis

Eli J. Lewis died

At Helena, suddenly, on the morning of the 11th inst. Col. Eli J. Lewis, Postmaster and merchant of that place, in the 45th year of his age.

The deceased was one of our earliest friends and benefactors in Arkansas, and sincerely do we deplore his premature death. It affords us a mournful satisfaction in adding our testimony to the correctness of the following well-merited tribute to his memory, which we copy from the Helena Herald, of 12th inst.

Col. Lewis was a native of Baltimore, and emigrated to Arkansas in early life, where, by honesty and indefatigable industry, he accumulated a fortune, and acquired the esteem and friendship of all who knew him. He was long Clerk and Postmaster of the county of Arkansas, both of which offices he discharged with honor to himself and satisfaction of the community; and, on the Monday preceding his death, the citizens [of Phillips county], almost by acclamation, had chosen him Judge of the County Court. The lamented subject of this notice, had his frailties - 'tis human nature; but all his faults lent to virtue's side. He was frank, generous and benevolent; possessed of intelligence, and of manners of peculiar sauvity, kindness and dignity - he was indeed a model of devoted friendship and social virtue. None ever left behind them a character more pure, benevolent and disinterested. In all the relations of life, he was exemplary. He has gone to that "bourne from whence no traveller returns," but so long as memory endures, his recollection, will claim friendship's sigh, and affection's tributary tear. He has left five infant daughters, not dependant upon the world's cold charity, but who have no kind mother to mingle her grief with their's, and soften down the bitter asperity of this world's misfourtunes.

Source: The Arkansas Gazette (Arkansas Post, Arkansas) 25 Dec 1833, Wed, Page 3

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